Friday, July 4, 2014

Help Me Decide!

I'm an on-the-go-and-always-busy kind of person. And I absolutely need my morning tea to make it through the day. (I used to be a coffee person until coffee started to hate me.) So in the mornings, while I'm mad rushing to get ready for a full day of work, I'm also boiling water for tea. Then before I head out the door, I quickly pour the water into my KeepCup with a bag of loose-leaf earl grey tea, and off I go. (If you haven't heard of KeepCup, you can check it out here.) I don't like using disposable cups because I start to feel guilty about being so wasteful and not being green, so I'm a big fan of the KeepCup. The problem is, between working multiple jobs and dealing with lupus, dishes don't get done every night, or every other night...They pretty much get done when they get done. And with an increased work load waiting for me in the fall, it's time to start thinking about getting another KeepCup. 

I decided that I want my next KeepCup to sport some purple for lupus awareness. This is a big deal since I hate the color purple so passionately. But my passion for lupus awareness wins out. I designed a couple of options for my next KeepCup, but I just can't decide! So I decided I would leave the choice to my readers. What do you think?

Option A screams purple.

Option B is more subtle.